Episode of a series aired jointly with the RBS TV Network celebrating 20 years of Brazil’s leadership in tobacco exports.
Eleventh episode of a series aired jointly with the RBS TV Network celebrating 20 years of Brazil’s leadership in tobacco exports. In this episode: pioneering spirit and innovation of the Brazilian tobacco industry.
Tenth episode of a series aired jointly with the RBS TV Network celebrating 20 years of Brazil’s leadership in tobacco exports. In this episode: safe tobacco harvest.
Ninth episode of a series aired jointly with the RBS TV Network celebrating 20 years of Brazil’s leadership in tobacco exports. In this episode: the advantages of the Integrated Tobacco Production System.
Eighth episode of the series aired jointly with the RBS TV group to celebrate Brazil’s 20-year leadership in leaf tobacco exports. Theme of this program Tobacco farmers’ work in South Brazil.
Seventh episode of the series aired jointly with the RBS TV group to celebrate Brazil’s 20-year leadership in leaf tobacco exports. Theme of this program: social and economic importance of tobacco farming in South Brazil.
Sixth episode of the series aired jointly with the RBS TV group to celebrate Brazil’s 20-year leadership in leaf tobacco exports. Theme of this program: the pioneering initiative and tradition in collecting empty pesticide containers.
Fifth microprogram of a series aired jointly with RBS TV to celebrate Brazil’s 20-year leadership in tobacco exports. This episode: innovation and technology developed by the sector to ship to upwards of 100 countries a product that excels in quality and integrity.
Fourth microprogram of a series aired jointly with RBS TV to celebrate Brazil’s 20-year leadership in tobacco exports. This episode: actions of the sector towards preventing under 18-year-olds from working on tobacco farming.
Third microprogram of a series aired jointly with RBS TV to celebrate Brazil’s 20-year leadership in tobacco exports. This episode: tobacco sector’s actions on behalf of the environment.
More than a moment of work, harvesting holds in store expectations for income.
October: Month of the Producer of tobacco andto celebrate achievements of 162.000 men and women of the South of Brazil
Tobacco production: income and quality of life for more than 160 thousand farmers in southern Brazil.
Pioneer in South Brazil, the program developed by SindiTabaco offers comfort and safety to tobacco growers, protects the environment and complies with legislation
Mesmo ocupando pequenas áreas, os produtores de tabaco conseguem preservar a mata nativa e reflorestar, garantindo um elevado índice de cobertura florestal, caso de Ivaí Padilha dos Santos, produtor de Santa Cruz do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul.
Em 2013, o Brasil se manteve na liderança do ranking mundial de exportação de tabaco. Este desempenho reflete na vida de milhares de cidadãos brasileiros, como é o caso do produtor Severiano Barros, de Vera Cruz, Rio Grande do Sul.
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Na Região Sul do Brasil também estão sendo veiculados vídeos nas principais emissoras de televisão, com o intuito de conscientizar o produtor a trabalhar com segurança e proteger as crianças e adolescentes.
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Pronunciamento do Sr. Iro Schünke Espaço de interação e informação sobre este que é o terceiro produto da pauta de exportações do agronegócio brasileiro.
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Com o objetivo de combater a utilização da mão-de-obra infantil e adolescente na cultura do tabaco e garantir a saúde e segurança dos produtores, foi criada uma campanha envolvendo diversas mídias, como uma cartilha impressa, cartazes, videos, anúncios em revistas e jornais e spots em rádios.