• Tradition and income – Episode 12

    Episode of a series aired jointly with the RBS TV Network celebrating 20 years of Brazil’s leadership in tobacco exports.

  • Tradition and income – Episode 11

    Eleventh episode of a series aired jointly with the RBS TV Network celebrating 20 years of Brazil’s leadership in tobacco exports. In this episode: pioneering spirit and innovation of the Brazilian tobacco industry.

  • Tradition and income – Episode 10

    Tenth episode of a series aired jointly with the RBS TV Network celebrating 20 years of Brazil’s leadership in tobacco exports. In this episode: safe tobacco harvest.

  • Tradition and income – Episode 9

    Ninth episode of a series aired jointly with the RBS TV Network celebrating 20 years of Brazil’s leadership in tobacco exports. In this episode: the advantages of the Integrated Tobacco Production System.

  • Tradition and income – Episode 8

    Eighth episode of the series aired jointly with the RBS TV group to celebrate Brazil’s 20-year leadership in leaf tobacco exports. Theme of this program Tobacco farmers’ work in South Brazil.

  • Tradition and income – Episode 7

    Seventh episode of the series aired jointly with the RBS TV group to celebrate Brazil’s 20-year leadership in leaf tobacco exports. Theme of this program: social and economic importance of tobacco farming in South Brazil.

  • Tradition and income – Episode 6

    Sixth episode of the series aired jointly with the RBS TV group to celebrate Brazil’s 20-year leadership in leaf tobacco exports. Theme of this program: the pioneering initiative and tradition in collecting empty pesticide containers.

  • Tradition and income – Episode 5

    Fifth microprogram of a series aired jointly with RBS TV to celebrate Brazil’s 20-year leadership in tobacco exports. This episode: innovation and technology developed by the sector to ship to upwards of 100 countries a product that excels in quality and integrity.

  • Tradition and income – Episode 4

    Fourth microprogram of a series aired jointly with RBS TV to celebrate Brazil’s 20-year leadership in tobacco exports. This episode: actions of the sector towards preventing under 18-year-olds from working on tobacco farming.

  • Tradition and income – Episode 3

    Third microprogram of a series aired jointly with RBS TV to celebrate Brazil’s 20-year leadership in tobacco exports. This episode: tobacco sector’s actions on behalf of the environment.

  • Time of harvest

    More than a moment of work, harvesting holds in store expectations for income.

  • Dreams realized

    October: Month of the Producer of tobacco andto celebrate achievements of 162.000 men and women of the South of Brazil

  • Quality of life

    Tobacco production: income and quality of life for more than 160 thousand farmers in southern Brazil.

  • Empty Pesticide Container Collection Program

    Pioneer in South Brazil, the program developed by SindiTabaco offers comfort and safety to tobacco growers, protects the environment and complies with legislation

  • Reflorestamento

    Mesmo ocupando pequenas áreas, os produtores de tabaco conseguem preservar a mata nativa e reflorestar, garantindo um elevado índice de cobertura florestal, caso de Ivaí Padilha dos Santos, produtor de Santa Cruz do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul.

  • Orgulho

    Em 2013, o Brasil se manteve na liderança do ranking mundial de exportação de tabaco. Este desempenho reflete na vida de milhares de cidadãos brasileiros, como é o caso do produtor Severiano Barros, de Vera Cruz, Rio Grande do Sul.

  • Safe hardvest

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    Na Região Sul do Brasil também estão sendo veiculados vídeos nas principais emissoras de televisão, com o intuito de conscientizar o produtor a trabalhar com segurança e proteger as crianças e adolescentes.

  • Mr. Iro Schünke Speech

    Sorry, this content is available only in Portuguese

    Pronunciamento do Sr. Iro Schünke
    Espaço de interação e informação sobre este que é o terceiro produto da pauta de exportações do agronegócio brasileiro.

  • Child Labor

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    Com o objetivo de combater a utilização da mão-de-obra infantil e adolescente na cultura do tabaco e garantir a saúde e segurança dos produtores, foi criada uma campanha envolvendo diversas mídias, como uma cartilha impressa, cartazes, videos, anúncios em revistas e jornais e spots em rádios.