Brazil has been the largest tobacco exporter since 1993. The crop represented 5% of all shipments in the South Region of Brazil and, in Rio Grande do Sul, top Brazilian tobacco producer, leaf exports were only surpassed by soybean exports.
January 2025 – The numbers disclosed by the Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC/ComexStat) attest that Brazil continues in line with its tradition as a relevant player in the global tobacco market. In 2024, the Brazilian product was shipped to 113 countries: in all, 455 thousand tons brought in revenue of US$ 2.977 billion. In the historical average, Brazil has maintained annual shipments at 500 thousand tons and US$ 2 billion, over the past ten years.
According to the president of the Interstate Tobacco Industry Union (SindiTabaco), Valmor Thesing, the result has remained within the numbers projected by the Deloitte Marketing Consultancy in terms of volume (-15% and -10.1%), but revenue from foreign sales was adversely affected by global logistics problems. Even so, income from tobacco rose 9.08%, while research projections pointed to an increase from 20.1% to 25%.
“Despite all the climate-related problems faced in the 2023/24 growing season, first the prolonged drought and then the flood that occurred in Rio Grande do Sul, we managed to achieve a very positive performance. We did not achieve the US$ 3 billion estimated by our research teams because of a global logistic problem. The crop was produced, processed and commercialized but we did not manage to ship it abroad before the end of 2024”, Thesing commented, recalling that logistic problems tend to happen rather frequently, but over the past years these problems have intensified on account of wars and other factors that cause a delay to the flow of exports.
For the future, the executive officer at SindiTabaco is optimistic. Starting from the premise that Brazil is the top global exporter since 1993 and global demand is stable, we have a promising future ahead of us provided we keep the Integrated Tobacco Production System duly strengthened. The awareness of all the links of the tobacco supply chain about aspects such as phytosanitary concerns, product integrity, social and environmental responsibility, are important factors for us to keep our leadership position in a competitive global market”, he stresses.
The European market, which historically used to be the top destination of the tobaccos produced in Brazil, in 2024, remained on par with the purchases by the Far E, both with 34% of the total shipments. In the sequence, Africa and the Middle East account for 15% of the shipments, North America (9%) and Latin America (8%). Belgium, the United States continue on the list of major importers. Egypt, Indonesia and Vietnam come in the sequence of the major importers in 2024. The amount shipped to the six countries represent 67% of the total exports transformed into dollars over the period.
Brazilian exports in 2024US$ 2,977,411 billion (+ 9.08%)455,221 tons (- 11.10%
Share in exports in 2024- Brazil: 0.88%- South Region: 5.08%- Rio Grande do Sul: 12.55%- Santa Catarina: 1.18%
Markets of Brazilian Tobaccos – 2024:- European Union/Europe other/Eastern Europe: 34%- Far East: 34%- Africa/Middle East: 15%- North America: 9%- Latin America: 8%
Main tobacco importing countries - 20241. Belgium (US$ 639 million)2. China (US$ 585 million)3. United States (US$ 255 million)4. Egypt (US$ 235 million)5. Indonesia (US$ 139 million)6. Vietnam (US$ 136 million
About SindiTabacoFounded on 24th June 1947, the Interstate Tobacco Industry Union (SindiTabaco) is based in Santa Cruz do Sul (RS), in the River Pardo Valley region, largest tobacco production and processing center in the world. Initially know as Tobacco Industry Union, the entity expanded its operations as time went by and, since 2010, it began to encompass the entire national territory, except Bahia, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. Counting on 14 associate companies, the initiatives of the entity are concentrated mainly on the South Region of the Country, where 94% of the Brazilian tobacco crop is produced, involving 626 thousand people in the rural area, in 509 municipalities. Know more at
Public authorities and representatives of the tobacco supply chain were present at the 6th Official Opening Ceremony of the Tobacco Harvest, in Rio Pardo (RS). Promoted by the Secretariats of Rural Development and Agriculture, Livestock, Sustainable Production and Irrigation, with the support from the Interstate Tobacco Industry Union (SindiTabaco) and the Association of Tobacco Growers of Brazil (Afubra), the program was held at the Afubra Expoagro Park, in the district of Rincão Del Rey, in Rio Pardo (RS).
Afubra president Marcilio Drescher greeted the leaders who defend the cause of the supply chain, expressing his happiness in hosting the event. “The official opening acknowledged the sector’s relevance in providing income for the family farmers, whilst promoting municipal economic growth. When another crop is ready to be harvested, it arouses hope among the farmers who expect that the fruits of their labor will be recognized. Thus far, there is every indication that it will be a normal crop, as far as quality and productivity go. However, the crop is marketed after harvest and we feel anxious and hopeful in expectation for a good price”, Drescher concluded.
SindiTabaco president Valmor Thesing expressed thanks to Afubra for its support and for providing the park for the event. “The opening of the tobacco harvest is a joyful and rejoicing moment that emphasizes the relevance of the tobacco supply chain. It is a century-old crop that generates income and employment, brings in foreign currency and generates taxes. It is also a moment to pay tribute to the work of men and women who generate wealth for the municipalities and the State. It is also a time for the Integrated Tobacco Production System to renew its strength and, accordingly, Brazil’s leadership in the global tobacco market scenario,” Thesing stressed.
Rio Grande do Sul is responsible for 43% of all tobacco produced in South Brazil, which, in the 2023/24 growing season, in the South Region of Brazil, harvested a crop of 508 thousand tons. In the state of Rio Grande do Sul alone, the activity involves almost 70 thousand farmers in approximately 200 municipalities. The Secretary of Rural Development, Vilson Covatti, gave information on the state's family farming scenario, especially tobacco farming, mentioning social and economic numbers of the crop and speaking highly of the organization of the supply chain. He also referred to the state government's concern, particularly the SDR’s concern, with regard to soil recovery. "We are prepared to provide for all necessary resources for soil recovery, with the focus on higher productivity, quality and income," Covatti explained.
Now an integral part of the official agenda of the Government of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, since 2017 the opening ceremony of the tobacco harvest has turned into a joyful event and has already been held in different tobacco-producing regions in the State. The venues of the last five editions were as follows: Venâncio Aires (2017), Canguçu (2018), Arroio do Tigre (2019), Vale do Sol (2021) and São Lourenço do Sul (2022).
Clair Kuhn, Secretary of Agriculture, Livestock, Sustainable Production and Irrigation (Seapi), spoke about the financial resources for irrigation now available to farmers. “I am well aware of the importance of technical assistance, whether provided by Emater or by companies of the sector. Tobacco farmers have never had the chance to get resources from the government. Now they have that opportunity. Phase 1 of the irrigation project had 264 projects approved and, at the moment, 400 additional projects are undergoing analysis, some of them from farmers in this region,” said Kuhn, encouraging the farmers to go in search of more information on the subject and declaring the tobacco harvest in Rio Grande do Sul open.
The event was also attended by representatives of the Association of Tobacco Producing Municipalities (Amprotabaco), the Sectoral Chamber of the Tobacco Supply Chain, Emater, as well as state and federal deputies, mayors and councilors from the region.
Safe harvest
Harvesting is synonymous with income, but also with health and safety. It is time that requires careful attention to safe harvesting, wearing the right clothes in compliance with the recommendations concerning the most appropriate times of day for the task. “Safe and decent work is important for our business and the farmers’ representatives are with us in this mission to raise awareness about these issues, in a clear demonstration of the important role that the integrated tobacco production system plays in the lives of thousands \of people in rural areas,” reinforced Valmor Thesing, president of SindiTabaco.
About SindiTabaco
Founded on 24 June 1947, the Interstate Tobacco Industry Union (SindiTabaco) is based in Santa Cruz do Sul (RS), in the River Pardo Valley region, largest tobacco production and processing center in the world. Initially known as Tobacco Industry Union, the entity expanded its operations over the years and, since 2010, it has comprised the entire national territory, with the exception of Bahia, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. With 14 associated companies, the initiatives of the entity are mainly concentrated in the South Region of the Country, where more than 98% of the tobacco is produced, with the involvement of 626 thousand people in the rural scenario, in 509 municipalities. Know more about it at
KNOW MORE: Numbers of the tobacco sector
Contact with press
Daniella Turano – – (11) 98596-7477
Eliana Stülp Kroth – – (51) 99667-7405
Roberta Sena - – (11) 98435-6712
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Outubro 2024 – A última reunião ordinária de 2024 da Câmara Setorial da Cadeia Produtiva do Tabaco reuniu representantes de entidades do setor na manhã desta quarta-feira, 30 de outubro. Organizada pelo Ministério da Agricultura e Pecuária (MAPA), o encontro no formato híbrido tratou de diversos temas de interesse da cadeia produtiva.
Romeu Schneider, presidente da Câmara, deus as boas-vindas ao novo presidente do Sindicato Interestadual da Indústria do Tabaco (SindiTabaco), Valmor Thesing, que atualizou o grupo sobre a nova diretoria que será empossada no dia 08 de novembro, em Santa Cruz do Sul (RS), para a gestão 2024-2027.
O presidente do SindiTabaco, Valmor Thesing, também apresentou informações acerca das exportações. “Devemos ter uma exportação acima da média dos últimos ano em dólares e, se a tendência se confirmar, podemos superar a marca dos US$ 3 bilhões. É uma demonstração de que nosso sistema integrado está plenamente ativo, gerando renda, empregos, divisas”, comentou trazendo a projeção da consultoria Deloitte que indica queda no volume, entre -15% e -10,1%, e aumento no valor das vendas externas, entre 20,1% e 25%.
Até o momento, segundo o Ministério de Desenvolvimento, Indústria, Comércio e Serviços (MDIC/ComexStat), entre janeiro e setembro foram embarcadas 316 mil toneladas, o que representa uma redução de -14% em relação ao mesmo período de 2023. Já em dólares, foram US$ 2,03 bilhões embarcados, uma variação positiva de 3,44% se comparado com o ano anterior. Bélgica, China, Estados Unidos, Indonésia e Egito estão entre os maiores importadores até o momento. Em 2023, o Brasil exportou 512 mil toneladas e US$ 2,729 bilhões para 107 países importadores, com destaque para a União Europeia (42%).
Bom preço pago aos produtores estimula crescimento da área plantada
O presidente da Associação dos Fumicultores do Brasil (Afubra), Marcílio Drescher, compartilhou o resultado final da safra 2023/24 e as perspectivas para a safra 2024/25. Segundo a Afubra, a produção de tabaco da safra 2023/24 teve o envolvimento de 133 mil famílias da Região Sul do Brasil, um incremento de 6,62% em relação com a safra 2023/22. Aumento semelhante observou-se também na área plantada: foram 284.184 mil hectares, incremento de 8,57%. “Nas últimas safras tivemos uma remuneração média mais satisfatória para os produtores, o que acaba estimulando o aumento de área e de produtores que aderem ao cultivo”, explicou Drescher.
O excesso de chuvas no período foi a principal causa da redução do volume da safra, que teve como resultado final 508.041 toneladas, uma diminuição de -16,12% em comparação com a safra 2023/2022. “Também por conta desta redução, o preço médio do tabaco aumentou quase 28%”, comentou o representante dos produtores.
“Já estamos com o cultivo encerrando em quase todas as áreas e temos percebido um aumento de área, estimulada pela última remuneração. Em meados de novembro devemos ter alguma previsão sobre a área cultivada e o número de famílias produtoras envolvidas na atividade”, disse Drescher sobre as perspectivas para a safra 2024/2025 que já tem 8,5% do tabaco colhido.
PRÓXIMOS ENCONTROS – O grupo definiu a agenda de encontros da Câmara para 2025: 10 de abril, de forma presencial, em Cachoeira-BA, 16 de julho e 29 de outubro, no formato híbrido.
Contato com a imprensa
August 2024 – On August 9, the Interstate Tobacco Industry Union (SindiTabaco) hosted a meeting to formalize the closure of the tobacco pre-inspection procedure, 2023/2024 crop year, one of the requirements of the bilateral trade protocol between Brazil and China. The meeting was held in hybrid format, with the virtual presence of the technicians from the General Administration of Customs China (GACC) and the representative of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (Mapa) and of the National Organization for Brazilian Phytosanitary Protection (ONPF), Pedro Carneiro Abreu.
Other authorities that also attended the event are as follows: MAPA Superintendent in Grande do Sul, José Cleber de Souza; SindiTabaco president, Iro Schünke; Chief exccutive officicer at MAPA’s Inspection Service in Rio Grande do Sul, Emerson Nunes Costa; members from MAPA RS, Roque Danieli, Alan Erig and Carlos Wolmann, besides representatives from the organ in SC and PR; president of China Tobacco International in Brazil (CTIB), Zhou Xinghua; technical responsible in charge of the Central Analytical Laboratory of the University of Santa Cruz do Sul (UNISC), Adriana Dupont Schneider; representatives from the State Inspection Organs in PR an SC; Zhang Nan Zhengrong, Leader of the China |Leaf Company Delegation; as well as representatives from the companies that sell tobacco to China.
“This is a primordial moment for compliance with the protocol. The samples were collected in a very effective manner, and it is with great satisfaction that I inform you that no pests were detected in the collected samples. This once again corroborates the quality of the Brazilian tobacco. China is one of our largest importers of tobacco and this partnership plays a fundamental role for the continuity of the businesses between the two countries. We are sure that we will continue making strides in this relation”, commented Pedro Carneiro Abreu, from MAPA Brasília.
José Cleber de Souza, superintendent at MAPA RS, reinforced the importance of the results. “Our participation consists in representing this commitment, which is also shared by minister Carlos Fávaro, besides acknowledging this activity as relevant for the entire country In our understanding, this expresses our responsibility with regard to the Chinese inspection organs”, he commented.
In line with what has occurred in the past years, in an agreement with the GACC, the MAPA was in charge of collecting the processed tobacco samples and send them to the Central Analytical Laboratory of the University of Santa Cruz do Sul (UNISC) for laboratory tests that confirm the phytosanitary status of the product prior to shipment. Roque Danieli, tax auditor and head of MAPA’s Plant Health and Inputs Inspection Service in RS, presented details about the pre-inspection activities.
“During these 23 days in which we worked jointly with the GACC representatives, in virtual format, it was possible to attest to the quality of the 2023/2024 crop, and demonstrate that, at field level, the 2024/25 crop is now under cultivation with all the necessary cares in compliance with the requisites set forth on the protocol. The integrated production system gets the credit for the fact that tobacco is the commercial crop that uses the least amount of pesticides at field level, a result of the constant work of the farm extension agents. “We hope that the presentation of the works is cause for satisfaction, and next week we shall send the final report to Brasília to be forwarded to the GACC”, Danieli commented to the group.
Final report consolidates the quality of Brazilian tobacco
Zhang Nan Zhengrong, Leader of the China Leaf Company Delegation, presented the pre-inspection report to the attendees of the meeting, jointly with the technical responsible for the Central Analytical Laboratory of UNISC, professor Adriana Dupont Schneider. She gave details of the analyses. “This year we analyzed a total of 54 lots with samples collected in eight companies. The laboratory activities took 24 days, and they certified the phytosanitary safety with regard to the nine quarantine pests set forth in the agreement, of which, six are types of insects, two weeds and the fungus known as blue mold. All the results were negative for the pests included in China-Brazil trade protocol”. Schneider attested.
The GACC representative expressed its satisfaction to the meeting attendees about the final result of the pre-inspection service, and thanked the people involved, signaling that the shipments should be liberated as soon as possible. On his part, CTIB president, Zhou Xinghua, emphasized the good results achieved.
The president of SindiTabaco, Iro Schünke, reinforced the importance of China for the tobacco sector in Brazil. “Tobacco is an agricultural crop that suffers harsh criticism, but has been vigorously defended by the MAPA. This has a lot to do with the social and economic importance of the crop for our Country, especially for the South Region. China is our second-largest importer, coming only after Belgium, and every year purchases big amounts of our tobacco. And this is the moment for a special mention of the farmers that cultivate tobacco in Brazil who, along with the farm extension agents, have performed all the necessary works for our compliance with the necessary requisites that have kept Brazil as top leaf exporter over the past 30 years”, Schünke emphasized.
ABOUT SINDITABACO – Founded on 24 June 1947, the Interstate Tobacco Industry Union (SindiTabaco) is based in Santa Cruz do Sul (RS), Rio Pardo Valley, biggest tobacco production and processing hub in the world. Initially, as Tobacco Industry Union, the entity expanded its operations over the years and, since 2010, it comprises the entire national territory, except Bahia, Rio de Janeiro and Paulo. The initiatives of the entity are for the most part concentrated in the South Region of the Country, where more than 98% of the tobacco is produced, with the involvement of 626 thousand people in the rural area, in 509 municipalities. Know more at
Expectation is for tobacco exports to outstrip the results in dollar terms in 2024. In 2023, tobacco represented 11% of the total shipments in Rio Grande do Sul
July 2024 – After the flood in May that left its mark in the history of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, signs of recovery are beginning to emerge. As far as agribusiness goes, tobacco gains prominence, as attested by MDIC/ComexStat data, presented at the 73rd meeting held by the Sectoral Chamber of the tobacco supply chain, this Wednesday, July 17.
The president of the Interstate Tobacco Industry Union (SindiTabaco), Iro Schünke, exhibited the tobacco export panorama of the first half of year 2024. Brazil has been the top tobacco exporter since 1993, and ships abroad, according to historical averages, more than 500 thousand metric tons a year, bringing revenue of US$ 2 billion, annually.
According to MDIC/ComexStat sources, from January to June, the considerable amount of 195,261 tons were shipped abroad, down 8.82% from the same period in 2023. In dollar terms, it reached US$ 1.24 billion, up 7.65% if compared with the previous year. China, Belgium, the United States, Indonesia and Egypt have been the top importers up to the moment.
“In 2023, tobacco represented 11% of all exports by the State of Rio Grande do Sul and, in 2024, this representativeness is likely to go up further. The expectation is that we are going to export a smaller volume, due to the smaller size of the crop, but with revenue increasing by 10% to 15% in dollar terms. Within this context, the sector will certainly contribute towards a trade surplus in Rio Grande do Sul”, Schünke comments.
FLOOD IN RS – The president of SindiTabaco also presented the results of the survey conducted by the entity jointly with the associate companies focused on the damages suffered by the tobacco farmers caused by the floods in May. The numbers reveal that 75 tobacco producing municipalities were hit, adversely affecting 1,929 farmers, one way or another, with losses estimated to amount to R$ 95 million. According to Schünke, losses could have been even more serious. “Tobacco played a decisive role in mitigating the losses of the small-scale farmers, where two factors contributed toward it: by the end of April, most farmers had already delivered their tobacco to the dealers, because it was a smaller crop, and the high prices fetched by the crop”, he commented. “We regret the one-off losses of some municipalities and tobacco farmers, but we are confident that the size of the tobacco crop in the most affected areas shall remain close to the estimated projections for the 2024/25 growing season,” Schünke argues.
Take a look at the complete survey
ABOUT THE CHAMBER – Promoted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (Mapa), the Sectoral Chamber, on a periodic basis, promotes a meeting of the main leaderships of the tobacco sector. At the meeting, Edimilson Alves, executive manager at Abifumo, was nominated new consultant of the Sectoral Chamber. The next meeting has been scheduled for October 30.
Contact with the press
Roberta Sena – – (11) 98435-6712 (51) 99667-7405
Deconstructing the narratives about the production of tobacco in Brazil has been one of the great objectives of the union that completes 77 years fighting on behalf of the tobacco supply chain, on the 24th of June.
June 2024 – Over the decades, especially in recent years, the Interstate Tobacco Industry Union (SindiTabaco) has adapted in order to more efficiently comply with the mission to represent the common interests of the associate companies and defend the sustainability of the supply chain. In order to celebrate the 77th anniversary, SindiTabaco launched the document 'Controversial issue, counterpoint necessary'. In 54 pages, the document addresses the history of tobacco in Brazil and the most relevant numbers of the supply chain. Its great objective, however, is to challenge themes which are not always duly contextualized and end up being treated as contradictions by society.
“The tobacco supply chain is one of the most organized and advanced in Brazilian agriculture, with initiatives that set an example to other sectors. Not rarely, however, it is left aside in terms of agribusiness. The launch of this document has the purpose to demystify and provide the necessary counterpoint to those who insist in refusing to state the obvious: tobacco is agro!”, Iro Schünke, SindiTabaco president since 2006, reinforces.
Questions like indebtedness, monoculture, deforestation, the use of pesticides, suicides, green tobacco sickness, child labor and slave labor, are themes addressed by the paper now beginning to circulate among the main stakeholders of the entity, in printed format, but it is also available on line at site
“Over the years we have given visibility to the social and economic importance of the sector to hundreds of municipalities in South Brazil and we have promoted a series of initiatives about agricultural practices that turn Brazilian tobacco into one of the most demanded in the world. In the meantime, we have suffered uninterrupted attacks on account of the finished product, which is legal and an adult choice. Not rarely, we witness antismoking activists attacking the production of tobacco, and the list of attacks has been gradually expanded over the years. From polluters to slavers, are some of the biased written lines. It is about them we are talking”, the chief officer comments.
Read in its integrity: Controversial Issue, Counterpoint Necessary
Communication is one of the pillars of the SindiTabaco, and the entity always seeks to strengthen the dialogue with all the links of the supply chain and society. Building a social media presence contributes towards achieving this objective, and all the information about the sector is disseminated through a new channel: LinkedIn. “It will be a strategic channel to disclose the social and economic importance of the sector, besides highlighting sustainability initiatives, social and environmental programs, as well as the results of this agribusiness segment”, Schünke commemorates.
ABOUT SINDITABACO – Founded on 24th June 1947, the Interstate Tobacco Industry Union (SindiTabaco) is based in Santa Cruz do Sul (RS), in the Pardo River Valley, largest tobacco production and processing center in the world. Initially known as Tobacco Industry Union, the entity expanded its scope over the years and, since 2010, it began to comprise the entire national territory, except Bahia, Rio de Janeiro and Paulo. The initiatives of the entity are mostly concentrated in the South Region of the Country, where more than 98% of Brazilian tobacco is produced, with the involvement of 500 thousand people in the rural area, in 490 municipalities.
Contact with the pressAND,ALLDaniella Turano – – (11) 98596-7477Eliana Stülp Kroth – – (51) 99667-7405Roberta Sena – – (11) 98435-6712
Survey concluded that 75 tobacco producing municipalities were affected by the catastrophic floods in May. A recovery plan has already been put into force and the expectation is for the maintenance of the result predicted for the upcoming crop year. June 2024 – The flood of unheard proportions that hit the State of Rio Grande do Sul in early May this year and changed the lives of thousands of people, caused losses to nearly two thousand tobacco farmers. This was the conclusion reached by the survey conducted by the Interstate Tobacco Industry Union (SindiTabaco) and the associate companies. In this Thursday, June 6, the president of SindiTabaco had a meeting with the board of directors of the Tobacco Growers' Association of Brazil (Afubra) and representatives of the Federation of Agricultural Workers (FETAG-RS) and the Rio Grande do Sul State Federation of Agriculture (FARSUL), in order to present and analyze the numbers. According to SindiTabaco president Iro Schünke, the research reflects the reality of the last two weeks of May, at a time in which it was still difficult to access the areas and to communicate with the people of many districts. “Based on available information, we calculated the damages in an approximate manner, so as to dimension the amount of loss”, the officer explains. In all,1,929 rural properties were hit by the severe flood in 75 municipalities covered by the survey. In terms of affected farmers, the municipalities that comprise the biggest number are as follows: Candelária, where 214 tobacco farmers suffered losses, followed by Agudo (136), Barros Cassal (132), Venâncio Aires (116), Arroio do Tigre (101), Gramado Xavier (96), Segredo (89), Boqueirão do Leão (78), Ibarama (71), Passa Sete (69), Sinimbu (67), Fontoura Xavier (63), Lagoão (63), Santa Cruz do Sul (61), Vera Cruz (58) and Paraíso do Sul (50). Considering an estimated loss amount, the ten municipalities that endured biggesst losses were Venâncio Aires (R$ 18.3 million), Candelária (R$ 16.52 million), Agudo (R$ 6.35 million), Ibarama (R$ 5.96 million), Santa Cruz do Sul (R$ 4.57 million), Vera Cruz (R$ 3.83 million), Paraíso do Sul (R$ 3.36 million), Sinimbu (R$ 2.98 million), Cruzeiro do Sul (R$ 2.47 million) and Arroio do Tigre (R$ 2.45 million). The survey also demonstrated that 96% of the affected farmers intend to continue producing tobacco. “We need to provide the conditions that make it possible for them to carry on with their activities in the upcoming crop year and, within this context, the associate companies have already replaced the necessary inputs to restore the 2.070 seedbeds of lost seedlings, an investment that amounts to approximately R$ 1.6 million. We are confident that, in spite of this tragedy, the production of tobacco in the affected areas should remain close to the projections estimated for the 2024/25 growing season, now still at its initial stage”, Schünke comments. According to the chief executive officer, the industry and the tobacco farmers’ representatives are doing their best in an attempt to minimize losses, but public policies will be necessary to meet any emergent needs of the farmers, particularly with regard to access to credit lines for the maintenance and reconstruction of facilities, homes, curing barns and sheds. “Within this context, we believe that the representation of the farmers is an important ally to act as go-between when it comes to getting support from government organs at this moment of reconstruction, especially considering that the tobacco farmers grow diversified crops, as they also plant food crops like corn, bean, soybean and rice”, Schünke agues. MAIN SURVEY RESULTS 1,929 farmers affected 2,070 seedbeds lost 1,428 hectares lost [arable land] 285 tons of fertilizers lost 848 tons is the estimated production loss in the 2024/25 growing season Curing barns (curing facilities) 222 partial losses 129 total losses Sheds 178 partial losses 87 total losses Residential damages 140 with up to 30% loss 126 with losses from 30% to 70% 86 with total loss Municipalities hit Agudo, Anta Gorda, Arroio do Tigre, Arvorezinha, Barra da Fortaleza, Barros Cassal, Bom Retiro do Sul, Boqueirão do Leão, Caiçara, Candelária, Canudos do Vale, Casca, Cerro Branco, Ciríaco, Coqueiro Baixo, Cruzeiro do Sul, Davi Canabarro, Dona Francisca, Doutor Ricardo, Encruzilhada, Estrela Velha, Faxinal do Soturno, Fontoura Xavier, Formoso, General Câmara, Gramado Xavier, Herveiras, Ibarama, Ibiraiaras, Ilópolis, Itaara, Itapuca, Ivorá, Jacuizinho, Jaguari, Lagoa Bonita do Sul, Lagoão, Liberato Salzano, Marques de Souza, Nova Bréscia, Nova Palma, Novo Cabrais, Novo Paraiso, Novo Tiradentes, Palmitinho, Paraíso do Sul, Passa Sete, Passo do Sobrado, Pinhal Grande, Planalto, Pouso Novo, Progresso, Putinga, Relvado, Restinga Seca, Rio Pardo, Salto do Jacuí, Santa Clara do Sul, Santa Cruz do Sul, Santa Lúcia, Santa Maria, São José do Herval, São Pedro do Sul, Segredo, Sério, Sinimbu, Sobradinho, Tunas, Tupanciretã, Vale do Sol, Vale Verde, Venâncio Aires, Vera Cruz, Vespasiano Correa and Volta Grande. ABOUT SINDITABACO – Founded in 1947, the Interstate Tobacco Industry Union (SindiTabaco) is based in Santa Cruz do Sul (RS), region of the Rio Pardo River Valley, largest tobacco production and processing center in the world. By representing the interests of 14 associate companies, the entity gives visibility to the social and economic importance of the sector to hundreds of municipalities across the South Region of Brazil and promotes a series of actions that turn Brazilian tobacco into one of the most demanded in the world. TOBACCO IN BRAZIL – The numbers attest to the great importance of tobacco in the Brazilian agribusiness scenario. Since 1993, Brazil has hold the position of leading global tobacco exporter. According to the Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC/ComexStat), Brazil shipped abroad 512 thousand tons of tobacco in 2023, bringing in revenue of US$ 2.729 billion. In all, 107 countries purchased the product, where the highlight was the European Union with 42% of the total, followed by the Far East (31%), Africa/Middle East (11%), North America (8%) and Latin America (8%). Belgium, China, the United States and Indonesia continue in the ranking of major importers. The share of tobacco in exports amounted to 0.80% in Brazil, 4.51% in the South Region and, in Rio Grande do Sul, top tobacco producer state, it reached 11.19%. Know more at Visualize all the images in high resolution SindiTabaco (51) 99667-7405
Day against child labor: more than thousand reasons to celebrate With an innovative format, Growing Up Right Institute fights child labor offering a professional qualification program to adolescents in the rural setting. June 2024 – The 12th of June, very remembered as Valentine’s Day, is also a day of reflection on child labor. For some sectors, as is the case of tobacco, work is only allowed from the age of eighteen onward. In the cities, these adolescents have access to different qualification models, but in the rural areas opportunities are scarce. “When we started the awareness program on the theme, advising the farmers about the ban on the use of minors under 18 years old on tobacco farming activities, we were thoroughly questioned by farmers who got concerned about the idleness of their children. Many of these teenagers, aged 14 or over, are beginning to express their interest in earning income. We tried to get answers from public authorities, but very little was achieved”, SindiTabaco president Iro Schünke recalls. It was at that moment that we figured out a solution. With financial support from the companies associated with SindiTabaco, and intellectual support from great minds joining efforts towards the same purpose, the Growing Up Right Institute was idealized in 2014 and founded on the 23rd of April 2015. At the moment, nine years in operation, the Growing Up Right Institute has already qualified upwards of one thousand teenagers, in 20 municipalities in the South Region of Brazil, which were the venue for 54 groups that attended the Rural Professional Learning Program. With the quotas of the associate companies and supporters, and from all industries of the tobacco sector, the Growing Up Right Institute provides teenage farm boys and girls, aged 14 – 17, coming from tobacco producing families, with a contract as young apprentices for them to attend the Rural Entrepreneurship and Rural Administration course, in the shift opposite to regular school hours, thus keeping them away from activities improper for their age. “What makes the big difference is the innovative format created by the Institute, validated by the Ministry of Labor, which uses the Learning Law to remunerate the rural teenagers while they get qualified in their own communities. It is a powerful weapon in the fight against child labor and, to some extent, responsible for the decrease in rural exodus, considering that the entire content of the course is focused on the reality where they live and ends up changing the perception of the participants on the opportunities the farm itself and the community offer. I get emotional for the objectives we are accomplishing”, Shünke stresses, and he is also the president of the Institute. Pay attention to the statement given by Iro Schünke about the initiatives of the Growing Up Right Institute on Know more: