At 77 years of age, SindiTabaco launches paper ‘Controversial issue, counterpoint necessary’

22 . JUN . 2024 Releases

Deconstructing the narratives about the production of tobacco in Brazil has been one of the great objectives of the union that completes 77 years fighting on behalf of the tobacco supply chain, on the 24th of June.

June 2024 – Over the decades, especially in recent years, the Interstate Tobacco Industry Union (SindiTabaco) has adapted in order to more efficiently comply with the mission to represent the common interests of the associate companies and defend the sustainability of the supply chain. In order to celebrate the 77th anniversary, SindiTabaco launched the document ‘Controversial issue, counterpoint necessary’. In 54 pages, the document addresses the history of tobacco in Brazil and the most relevant numbers of the supply chain. Its great objective, however, is to challenge themes which are not always duly contextualized and end up being treated as contradictions by society.

“The tobacco supply chain is one of the most organized and advanced in Brazilian agriculture, with initiatives that set an example to other sectors. Not rarely, however, it is left aside in terms of agribusiness. The launch of this document has the purpose to demystify and provide the necessary counterpoint to those who insist in refusing to state the obvious: tobacco is agro!”, Iro Schünke, SindiTabaco president since 2006, reinforces.

Questions like indebtedness, monoculture, deforestation, the use of pesticides, suicides, green tobacco sickness, child labor and slave labor, are themes addressed by the paper now beginning to circulate among the main stakeholders of the entity, in printed format, but it is also available on line at site

“Over the years we have given visibility to the social and economic importance of the sector to hundreds of municipalities in South Brazil and we have promoted a series of initiatives about agricultural practices that turn Brazilian tobacco into one of the most demanded in the world. In the meantime, we have suffered uninterrupted attacks on account of the finished product, which is legal and an adult choice. Not rarely, we witness antismoking activists attacking the production of tobacco, and the list of attacks has been gradually expanded over the years. From polluters to slavers, are some of the biased written lines. It is about them we are talking”, the chief officer comments.

Read in its integrity: Controversial Issue, Counterpoint Necessary


Communication is one of the pillars of the SindiTabaco, and the entity always seeks to strengthen the dialogue with all the links of the supply chain and society. Building a social media presence contributes towards achieving this objective, and all the information about the sector is disseminated through a new channel: LinkedIn. “It will be a strategic channel to disclose the social and economic importance of the sector, besides highlighting sustainability initiatives, social and environmental programs, as well as the results of this agribusiness segment”, Schünke commemorates.

ABOUT SINDITABACO – Founded on 24th June 1947, the Interstate Tobacco Industry Union (SindiTabaco) is based in Santa Cruz do Sul (RS), in the Pardo River Valley, largest tobacco production and processing center in the world. Initially known as Tobacco Industry Union, the entity expanded its scope over the years and, since 2010, it began to comprise the entire national territory, except Bahia, Rio de Janeiro and Paulo. The initiatives of the entity are mostly concentrated in the South Region of the Country, where more than 98% of Brazilian tobacco is produced, with the involvement of 500 thousand people in the rural area, in 490 municipalities.

Contact with the press
Daniella Turano – – (11) 98596-7477
Eliana Stülp Kroth – – (51) 99667-7405
Roberta Sena – – (11) 98435-6712

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