Most historians consider tobacco as being of American origin, where it was grown by the natives of both South America and the North. One of the most probable hypotheses is that the plant would have appeared in the eastern valleys of the Bolivian Andes, spreading through Brazilian territory through indigenous migrations, especially Tupi-Guarani.
In November 1492, Christopher Columbus’ companions saw the Indians smoking for the first time. According to historians, in 1530, tobacco plants would have been brought to Europe and cultivated by the Portuguese royal family for its ornamental appearance and medicinal function.
In 1560, the then French ambassador to Portugal, Jean Nicot, on learning that the plant had cured migraines, sent it to his queen, Catherina de Medicis, in Paris, who suffered from this disease. The queen would have begun the habit of whistling, being imitated by the nobles of her court, spreading to the other countries of Europe, which would have originated the market of snuff, called snuff.
Thus, in just one century tobacco became known and used throughout the world, expanding in two ways: first, through sailors and soldiers, because tobacco was a good pastime during the long periods of travel; The second, during the Portuguese expeditions that took the plant to Portugal and France, spreading it to other European countries, Africa and the east.